Benefits of Grapes Resveratrol

rock jelly pics may 1716

Muscadine Grapes are a Super Healer

The National Institute of health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) published the results of their studies of Muscadine grape skins in the Cancer Research Journal. What they found was in laboratory experiments an extract of the skin of

Muscadine grapes inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Do a search at PubMed.Gov and you will find…

  • Over 2,300 studies on Red Wine
  • Over 700 studies on Grape Seed
  • Over 550 studies on Red Grapes

Yes, some of those studies focus on the resveratrol in red grapes, but many more focus on all the other polyphenols and nutrients found in red grapes and grape seeds.

The studies on red wine and heart health and longevity have been nothing short of amazing.